Upper School
Pupils aged 12-15 are taught in the Upper School which is the equivalent of Le Collège and Le Lycée as shown below:
Comparison between Le Collège, Le Lycée and Upper School
La cinquième (12 ans) | S1 |
La quatrième (13 ans) | S2 |
La troisième (14 ans) | S3 |
La seconde (15 ans) | S4 |
S1 and S2
In the first two years of the Upper School (S1 & S2) pupils study a very broad range of subjects. These include the core subjects such as English, Mathematics, all three sciences, IT, Technology, two foreign languages and a range of arts, humanities and social science subjects. In addition, pupils will undertake Games, Physical Education (PE) and Civics. Their timetable will include:
Art & Design / Biology / Chemistry / Classics / English / Geography / History / two Foreign Languages* / Mathematics / Modern Studies / Music / Civics/ Physical Education & Games / Religious, Moral and Philosophical Studies / Computing, Design & Technology / Drama **.
*After an introduction to all three languages, pupils will opt to study two from French, German, and Spanish.
**Computing, Design and Technology and Drama rotate in blocks so that a pupil studies only one of these subjects at a time for approximately 12 weeks.
For French pupils following the hybrid curriculum, they will continue the study of French, Mathematics, Geography, History, Citizenship and Physics all taught through the medium of French.
S3 and S4
In S3 and S4, those following the Albyn School curriculum will study eight publicly examined subjects including English, Mathematics, at least one science and one foreign language. Most are examined by the Scottish Qualifications Agency (SQA) at National 5 level with a few subjects taught as GCSEs. Together with all the subjects listed below, Albyn School also offers Business Studies, Economics, Engineering Science and PE as publicly examined subjects and ensure pupils continue with their personal and social education, Religious Moral and Philosophical Studies (RMPS), Study Skills, Physical Education and Sport.
For French pupils following the hybrid curriculum, they will continue the study of French, Mathematics, Geography, History, Citizenship and Physics all taught through the medium of French. They will also study English, Chemistry or Biology, Spanish or German public examination courses with other Albyn School pupils together with Physical Education and Sport although with flexibility in the exact choice of subjects.
There are subject booklets that provide more detailed information about the curriculum in different stages of the School that can be obtained through the Admissions Department at Albyn School and more detailed information about the French curriculum can currently be found on the Aberdeen French School website, rubrique “pédagogie”.