Welcome to our Early Excellence Phase!

We want our pupils to experience a smooth transition to Lower School. We have implemented our Early Excellence Phase to enable children in P1 and P2 to develop the skills and knowledge to unlock their academic potential while enhancing their social and emotional development.

Our Early Excellence Phase pupils are based on the dedicated Yellow Floor which contains their homerooms, an additional room devoted to enhanced learning opportunities and the Wood Theatre, which provides space for our children to enjoy new experiences.

Support and direction provided by experienced teachers encourages your child to build a strong foundation for their learning that will give them the confidence to thrive at the next stage of their learning journey. This approach stretches the most able as well as better supports those who find some aspects of learning more challenging.

In addition to developing Literacy and Numeracy skills broadly led by Scotland’s ‘Curriculum for Excellence’, our pupils will learn Science, Geography, History and Religious and Moral Education through the International Primary Curriculum, exploring topics such as: ‘Who Am I?’; ‘Time Travellers’; ‘The Magic Toymaker’; ‘Senses’; ‘We are what we eat’; ‘Time Travellers’; ‘Push me, Pull you’ and ‘Flowers and Insects’.

Specialist teachers lead French, Library Time, Music and PE lessons and outdoor learning continues to play an important role with our pupils enjoying fun trips and visits linked to the topics they are exploring. Previous activities have included visiting Crathes Castle, Pizza making and minibeast hunting at Hazlehead Park. Pupils can also join in optional Primary 7 Buddy clubs twice a week; these are run by the Primary 7 pupils and have included Lego Club, Netball, Football, Chess and Dancing among others.

Our teachers assess each pupil’s development according to the milestones appropriate to their age and stage which is reflected in their School Reports.

Get In Touch

If you have any questions about our admissions process or would like to find out more about Albyn School, we would love to hear from you so please get in touch.

"Your child will be encouraged to discover their own strengths, to have the courage of their own convictions and to step out of their comfort zones as individuals.”

- Admissions