Primary 3
Primary 3 is an exciting year. More subjects are entered into the curriculum and many clubs are open up for pupils to join.
The curriculum includes:
- Regular reading, comprehension, grammar, spelling and writing sessions as well as Independent reading and developed use and understanding of different genres
- Formal talks and developed range of presentation skills
- Mental addition and subtraction; 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables; Measurement, fractions and 3D shapes; time and properties of shape
- Science, Geography, History and RME taught through the International Primary Curriculum.
- Computer Science developed through the International Primary Curriculum
- Music, French and PE with specialist teachers
Topics covered:
Shaping up, What’s on the menu, Water- On Tap, Buddhism and Hinduism, and Experiments relating to the body, food and water.
Trips and activities:
Children will visit: Deeside Activity Park, Aberdeen Sports Village, Techfest, Macduff Aquarium and a farm.
By P3, clubs and activities are start to open up to pupils including a variety of sports, Bookbusters and the Lower School choir.
*The topics, trips and activities may change from time to time