Primary 3

Primary 3 is an exciting year. More subjects are entered into the curriculum and many clubs are open up for pupils to join.

The curriculum includes:

  • Regular reading, comprehension, grammar, spelling and writing sessions as well as Independent reading and developed use and understanding of different genres
  • Formal talks and developed range of presentation skills
  • Mental addition and subtraction; 2,3,4,5 and 10 times tables; Measurement, fractions and 3D shapes; time and properties of shape
  • Science, Geography, History and RME taught through the International Primary Curriculum.
  • Computer Science developed through the International Primary Curriculum
  • Music, French and PE with specialist teachers

Topics covered:

Shaping up, What’s on the menu, Water- On Tap, Buddhism and Hinduism, and Experiments relating to the body, food and water.

Trips and activities:

Children will visit: Deeside Activity Park, Aberdeen Sports Village, Techfest, Macduff Aquarium and a farm.

By P3, clubs and activities are start to open up to pupils including a variety of sports, Bookbusters and the Lower School choir.

*The topics, trips and activities may change from time to time

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If you have any questions about our admissions process or would like to find out more about Albyn School, we would love to hear from you so please get in touch.

"All Lower School pupils are allocated to Clans which they will remain in throughout their time in Albyn School.”

- Admissions