Primary 4

Our Primary 4 classes are a lot of fun and offer a varied and interesting mix of exciting new activities and topics – who wouldn’t want to learn about chocolate!

The curriculum includes:

  • Continued development of literacy skills based around textbooks, reading books and novels as well a imaginative and creative writing, and poetry
  • Advanced vocabulary, punctuation and connectives
  • Individual presentation skills, both oral and written
  • Knowledge of times tables to 10
  • Development of multiplication and division as well as money and data handling skills
  • Science, Geography, History and RME taught through the International Primary Curriculum
  • Music and PE with specialist teachers
  • Swimming is introduced for a term
  • ICT developed through the Oxford ICT scheme

Topics covered:

Chocolate, Islam; Different Places, Similar Lives, and Temples, Tombs and Treasures.

Trips and activities:

Children will visit: Techfest, Cocoa Ooze, and Total French School. During their topic on Ancient Egypt, our Primary 4 pupils will meet an archaeologist.

*The topics, trips and activities may change from time to time

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If you have any questions about our admissions process or would like to find out more about Albyn School, we would love to hear from you so please get in touch.

"Our bright and colourful building contains 14 classrooms with stunning views of Aberdeen, and is directly connected to the Upper School for easy access to its facilities.”

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