Albyn School community today celebrates the outstanding academic results of our Upper School pupils.
Results published by the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA) show that in S4, our pupils have achieved a 94% pass rate (A-C) at National 5, with 88% of grades at A or B level.
In S5, the pass rate (A-C) for Highers is also 94%. We are pleased that 85% of pupils received A-B grades at a Higher level, with 28 pupils (44% of the S5 year group) gaining all A grades in their 5 Higher exams.
At Albyn School, we are also proud that 75% of pupils received A-B grades at an Advanced Higher level, the gold standard for entrance to the top UK and overseas universities.
“I am delighted to see the hard work, commitment and endeavour of Albyn pupils shine through in their excellent results today,” said Headmaster Stefan Horsman.
“I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate the Class of 2023 who can hold their heads high as they achieved such impressive results.”
Almost all Albyn pupils have been accepted to their first-choice of university or have previously accepted an unconditional offer.
“To see our young adults heading on to the next stage of their educational journey happy and successful is an absolute pleasure for us,” said Mr Horsman who is confident all Albyn pupils will continue to flourish in their chosen disciplines.
He added: “I am very grateful to our dedicated teachers who work tirelessly to help each of our pupils thrive and achieve their potential. It is a fantastic day for everyone in the Albyn community.”