Albyn School’s production of the beloved musical Annie is just a day away!
Mrs Sinclair and Mr Somerville would like to thank all staff members and students who have come together to make the show happen. We could not have done it without all of your help.
We would also like to thank:
Musical theatre expert Alisdair Snedden and his dog Angus. Thank you for your time, patience and talent!
Albyn parents Mrs Glennie and Mrs Young for their sewing skills and time given so generously.John Webb and his team from the Cullen Antique Store for set pieces, positivity and continued support. It is greatly appreciated.
Mr Brazier for building part of our set in the show’s original phase in 2020.
Our external band members made up of professional musicians, parents and friends. We are, as always, so very grateful.
Phil and Craig from Lawsound for their skill in helping us with our school shows.
Former pupil Shona Ironside for designing our wonderful poster.
And finally, everyone in our Albyn community for supporting and celebrating the talent that we have here at Albyn School.
We hope you enjoy the show!