Actress taught drama workshop at Albyn School

Albyn School thespians have recently enjoyed a drama workshop with actress and writer Sarah-Louise Young who aimed to give the pupils the “building blocks to create their own stories”.

“We began the day looking at what makes a good story,” said the performer.

“The pupils were challenged to create flash moments of theatre inspired by an object that they brought with them.”

The purpose of the exercise was to show Albyn pupils that stories are everywhere around them.

drama workshop at Albyn School

Ms Young added: “Since we watch a lot of TV and film, we can forget that there is so much more different language available in theatre such as mime and puppetry.

“The pupils were asked to take one ‘theatre language ingredient’ and one ingredient from what they think makes a good story to create something spontaneous to show the room.

“What I wanted to achieve was for each of the pupils to have an experience of performing, being seen and having something they made celebrated to have the confidence to go out and make something a more long-form in the future.”

Ms Young took a break from touring to teach the one-day theatre workshop at Albyn School. Following a successful Edinburgh Fringe run, she will bring her ‘An Evening Without Kate Bush’ show to Aberdeen’s Tivoli Theatre later this month.

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