Kai Jets off to Alabama!

 We are delighted to start off this year’s exams spotlight with one of our most recent leavers Kai C!

Kai achieved five Higher A1s in Maths, Physics, Chemistry, Human Biology, PE and Advanced Higher PE in 2021 and three As at Advanced Higher level in Maths, Mechanics and Physics this year. Having spent his whole educational life at Albyn, Kai said,

“I’ve had a great experience at Albyn School and will definitely miss it when I leave. I was given so many opportunities at the school, both academic and co-curricular. I  made a strong group of friends, some of whom I have known since P1 and will definitely stay in touch with them”.

Kai has gained a highly impressive academic scholarship to study Aerospace Engineering at the University of Alabama. Kai, a keen athlete who won the U17 800m UK School Games in Loughborough, as well as winning gold at the Scottish U17 800m Championships, will be part of the Alabama Track and Field team. Speaking about his grades and starting his exciting new adventure, Kai commented,

“I’m really pleased with my results. I feel like I can relax now and look forward to the new environment and meeting lots of new people at the University of Alabama. I’m ready for a new challenge!

Headmaster Stefan Horsman added, “This is a fantastic achievement for Kai and all of us here at Albyn are delighted to see his hard work on the track and in the classroom rewarded in this way. We are all looking forward to seeing his progress and in particular to how his athletics career develops”.

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