The Albyn Curriculur Enrichment (ACE) programme is integrated into the primary school day and designed to allow pupils to explore a range of interests and experiences not found in the traditional school curriculum. It allows children to develop new interests and hobbies and gives them a variety of skills they can use in later life. The activities on offer are ones that individual staff are interested and passionate about thus creating a unique set of activities for pupils to choose from. It is flexible with pupils choosing one or more ACE activity to be involved with during each 10 week ACE block. This aspect of personalisation and choice allows pupils to choose their areas of interest or areas that they would like to experience and develop. Our activities follow a head, hands, heart model; with activities designed to stimulate the intellect- such as chess and philosophy, skills-based activities such as bikeability and cooking, and activities that make pupils think of others.
Pupils love their ACE times as they provide a different outlet for them to experience life beyond the classroom.