Yavi Nails Nat 5 Exams

We are pleased to share with you todays spotlight featuring S5 pupil, Yavi!

Yavi received impressive National 5 results where he achieved eight A grades in Maths, English, Music, Spanish, Modern Studies, Business Studies, Physics and Chemistry. Aside from academia,bursary pupil Yavi, is a very talented saxophone player who has competed in the Young Musician of the Year awards and performed at school events throughout his time at Albyn. He is also a keen sportsman taking part in various different teams!

After gaining his results, Yavi reflected on his achievements and the future:

I felt I was struggling slightly at the start of the year. However, after a lot of hard work, support and determination, I was very pleased with my grades and pleasantly surprised too!

I’m not sure what I want to do when I leave, but I have taken quite a broad range of subjects this year for Higher to give me more options to figure out which career path I would like to follow after school. 

Speaking about the challenges of going in and out of Lockdown, Yavi said:

It has been quite difficult, I know, for me personally as at home I found it hard not to get distracted. When we came back to school, everything got better and I was in a routine once again. School is a place where I could concentrate and do well.

Stefan Horsman, Headmaster, commenting on Yavi’s achievements, noted that:

Yavi really is an all-rounder and very modest about his achievements too! He has done really well in his National 5s, but also kept his music and sport going despite the challenges of the pandemic. All of us here at Albyn are really looking forward to what he achieves next and to seeing his future direction unfold.”

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